Back and Pain Doctor

3 Signs you Should see a Back and Pain Doctor

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life keeping you busy, it can be hard to think about what you need, especially when what you need most is something as daunting as a back and pain doctor. But we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be daunting, scary, or even time-consuming. It can be easy and enjoyable. Life-changing at times. Other people need you, but they need the best version of you.

There are lots of reasons why you might need to visit a specialist for your back. These are the big three signs you might need to schedule a consultation:

  1. Nighttime back pain
  2. Persistent or intense pain
  3. And any sort of severe injury

There are even more reasons why a little pain or discomfort here and there might seem like an inconsequential thing to ignore. Keep reading to find out what might be causing your pain and what might happen if you ignore it. Or skip to the end to find out what you can do today!

STARTLING FACT: More than one out of ten participants in a study posted by the National Library of Medicine reported avoiding the doctor because they felt their condition would improve on its own.


Nighttime Back Pain

If back pain worsens at night or disrupts sleep, it could signal underlying issues. We understand that “Nighttime back pain” is a broad phrase. But thankfully, a back pain doctor can help you narrow it down and find the root cause of your discomfort.

Most patients we see for this report some sort of muscle strain or pre-existing condition as the root cause. However, after talking with them a little more, it’s always the same story. Together, we uncover causes that are a little more in-depth. Causes that go a little further back, months if not years. With this, we’re able to move forward toward a healthier, happier life.

So, where do you start? There are so many probable causes of your nighttime back pain. What would happen if you just ignored them a little longer? Waited for them to go away?

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case.


What Happens When You Ignore Nighttime Back Pain Without Seeing a Back and Pain Doctor

We can tell you your condition won’t go away on its own. If there’s a legitimate root cause, you must address it as soon as possible. Your back is an integral part of your body, and ignoring nighttime pain can lead to severe consequences.

Here are the three outcomes we see the most:

  1. Progressive Damage: Nighttime pain might signal underlying conditions like spinal infections or inflammatory disorders. Ignoring these issues could lead to progressive damage to your spine and the structures surrounding it.
  2. Increased Disability: Ignoring nighttime pain always exacerbates the issue. Whatever the underlying cause, ignoring the symptoms can lead to increased disability, reduced mobility, and further limitations in daily activities.
  3. Complications: The effects of your nighttime pain can reach beyond your body. Persistent untreated pain might contribute to further complications like decreased productivity, absenteeism, and other economic implications due to decreased work capacity.

Seeking timely treatment from a back and pain doctor when experiencing nighttime pain is crucial to address the underlying causes and prevent potential long-term complications.


Persistent or Intense Pain

Persistent or intense back pain is obviously quite different from something like nighttime back pain. One you experience only at night when you’re lying down. The other you experience all the time. There’s no escaping it. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t share some similarities.

Of course, muscle strains and pre-existing conditions could very well be the root cause of your discomfort. However, if it’s persistent or intense, you can assume the root cause of your pain is something much worse. It’s been our experience that, after learning a little more about our patients and looking into their histories, it’s usually far outside their control.

If this is you, you might be looking at spinal degenerative conditions like arthritis and age-related wear and tear, herniated and bulging discs, or spinal stenosis (The narrowing of your spinal canal). These conditions often cause persistent or severe back pain and may require medical intervention, lifestyle adjustments, physical therapy, or other treatments for effective management.

Severe back pain, especially when it persists despite rest or affects daily activities, warrants immediate medical attention just as much if not more than nighttime back pain does.


What Happens When You Ignore Persistent or Intense Pain Without Seeing a Back and Pain Doctor

It might seem like the most logical thing to do. You’ve gone this long ignoring the pain. What’s a little longer? Who knows, it might go away, right? However, the human body is a wonderful thing, designed to endure a plethora of outside stimuli and stresses. You might feel like your pain and discomfort are manageable, but that doesn’t mean your condition has stopped causing damage. Ignoring it can lead to grave consequences.

Here are the three outcomes we see the most:

  1. Neurological Complications: Persistent pain could cause neurological issues, like sensory deficits (An impairment or dysfunction in one or more of your sensory systems), motor problems, or even bowel and bladder involvement.
  2. Progressive Damage: Unaddressed pain may worsen underlying back injuries you didn’t necessarily know were there. This can easily lead to structural damage or trauma to your back muscles and tissues, causing further complications down the line.
  3. Long-term Complications: Persistent untreated pain might result in what’s known as chronic pain (Long-standing additional pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period), deformity, or other long-term complications, permanently affecting your overall quality of life.

As with nighttime back pain, seeking timely treatment from a back and pain doctor is essential to diagnose the underlying issue or issues. Doing so can prevent potential long-term complications and improve your quality of life.

To some degree, nighttime back pain and persistent or intense back pain are both within your control. What happens when we remove that element of control? What happens when you’re caught in an accident or suffer a sudden or severe injury?


Recent Severe Injury

If your back pain follows a recent trauma or injury, it’s crucial a specialist assesses you as soon as possible. This is especially true if your pain is severe or worsening. Unlike the previous two kinds of back pain we’ve discussed, you can always trace this kind of pain to a sole source, or an event. One moment, you were perfectly fine. Then next, something clear and definite happened. It could be as small as a slip and fall or as big as a car accident. What’s important is that something caused it. What’s even more important is that you know what caused it.

Knowing this helps your back and pain doctor get to the root of the issue faster. Working closely with our patients, we’ve been able to diagnose and treat a litany of conditions that all stemmed from some sort of recent or severe injury. But still, this question sometimes pops up: What if I don’t know what caused it?

And that’s okay. Try thinking back as far as you can on any high-impact accidents or falls you may have sustained. These can easily lead to fractured vertebrae. Or try to remember if you ever had a job that put repetitive stress on your spine, which can lead to herniated or bulging discs. We’ve even seen muscle and ligament tears from sudden or forceful movements create both long-term and immediate back pain.

More so than anything we’ve discussed prior; these severe injuries require prompt medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.


What Happens When you Ignore a Recent or Severe Injury Without Seeing a Back and Pain Doctor

In all reality, most people don’t ignore this kind of pain. How could they? In most cases, the incident that caused it also caused them to visit the ER, urgent care, or some sort of specialist. But what would happen if they somehow ignored it or missed treatment? Better yet, what’s the probable outcome for those individuals who can’t necessarily trace their discomfort back to a specific incident?

Here are the three outcomes we see the most:

  1. Worsening of Injury: Ignoring your current state of discomfort and neglecting treatment for a recent or severe injury may exacerbate the damage. Any unnecessary added time will potentially lead to increased pain, swelling, and more severe complications.
  2. Complications: Untreated severe injuries may lead to complications such as nerve damage, loss of function, or even disability. In a twist, some of these complications can even include nighttime back pain and persistent or intense pain.
  3. Delayed Recovery: Lack of timely treatment could prolong the recovery process; the longer you wait, the longer it will take to regain your quality of life. Wait too long and you may potentially require more invasive interventions or therapies than if you had not.

As always, seeking immediate medical attention from a back and pain doctor for a recent or severe injury is crucial to prevent complications, ensure proper healing, and improve the chances of a full recovery.


What can you do Today?

HOPEFUL FACT: According to an article recently published by TIME, 70% of U.S. citizens “Feel the health care system is failing their needs.” On the other hand, 70% also said, “They [wanted] stronger relationships with their providers.”

If this is you, if you’re among the 70% who desire a stronger relationship with their healthcare provider, we’re waiting to hear from you. If you feel the healthcare system is failing, let us show you what it’s supposed to look like. Or, if you’re not sure whether you fully trust your current provider, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Are they honest and transparent?
  2. Are they knowledgeable and competent?
  3. And do they consistently respect you and show empathy?

If you answered “No” to any of those questions, congratulations. You just took the first step toward fixing your back pain. Luckily, the next step is just as easy. Pick up the phone or go online to schedule a consultation with a provider you can trust.

At Bergen Pain Management, we come alongside our patients and walk together throughout the entire process. Like we said before, other people need you, but they need the best version of you. Let’s get there together.

We are YOUR back and pain doctor.

Want to learn more about back pain? Keep reading.

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