Cervical Slipped Disc
What is Cervical Slipped Disc?
A slipped disc in the neck can be a cause of neck and arm pain. This condition tends to be most prevalent in the 30-50 age group and is rare outside this group. A slipped disc is less common in the neck than in the lower back. The discs consist of a tough outer fibrous layer that surrounds a gel-like nucleus. Repeated stress and overuse during neck movements, for example in machine operators and keyboard users, can lead to degeneration of the outer layer of the disc. If this degeneration is sufficient the nucleus material is liable to ‘prolapse’ out of the disc. If the direction of the disc prolapse is back and to the side, it may press on what is called a nerve root, causing pain down one of the arms.
Signs and Symptoms
Common symptoms of a cervical slipped disc include, severe pain in the neck and shoulders, muscle spasms, and arm pain.
Treatment Options
Common treatment options for a cervical slipped disc includes, rest, a neck collar, a neck pain pillow, physiotherapy, and traction.