What is Transforaminal Epidural Injections?
Epidural glucocorticoid injections are commonly given to patients with leg and/or back pain to relieve such pain and improve mobility without surgery. These steroid injections buy time to allow healing to occur and/or as an attempt to avoid surgery after other conservative (non-surgical) treatment approaches have failed. During a transforaminal injection, a small-gauge blunt needle is inserted into the epidural space through the bony opening of the exiting nerve root.
How It Helps
Indications include large disc herniation, foraminal stenosis, and lateral disc herniations. Patients with disc herniations and leg pain in most of the studies attained maximal improvement in 6 weeks. Interestingly, long-term success rates for transforaminal epidural glucocorticoid injections ranged from 71% to 84%.